Our Tenants
26 groups and organisations are currently tenants at Christchurch Community House. To visit each of their website, simply click on their name.
To find out more information, please scroll down through the Tenant Information Directory below:
To find out more information, please scroll down through the Tenant Information Directory below:
Virtual Offices
Virtual Office holders do not have a physical space in Christchurch Community House, but use CCH as a contact point.
Currently our Virtual Office holders are:
Girl Guiding New Zealand
Japanese Society of Canterbury
Social Equity and Wellbeing Network
Tenant Information Directory
2040 Limited2040 Limited is a social enterprise whose mission is:
A-OK.NZA-OK.NZ is a NZ provider of quality, internationally recognised training that equips people to be able to have life-supporting conversations.
A-OK NZ has partnered with internationally and nationally recognised training providers that care about the mental and emotional safety of our communities.
Arthritis New Zealand Kaiponapona AotearoaArthritis New Zealand is a national charity that provides information, advice and support to people diagnosed with any form of arthritis, including gout arthritis and fibromyalgia. They advocate for people with arthritis by funding research, contributing to health policy, and collaborating with healthcare professionals. Support services include camps and information for teens and children with arthritis and their caregivers, a national toll-free number to get information and advice, in-person and online contactless support groups, peer support service, videos, webinars, online courses for clinical and non-clinical health professionals, a dedicated website for people with osteoarthritis, called MyJointPain.co.nz, a regular eNews containing useful information and advice for people with arthritis, and a very active online presence on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Tiktok.
Assistance Dogs New Zealand Trust
Assistance Dogs New Zealand Trust (ADNZT) is a registered charitable trust, providing trained dogs to clients with any disability. We are committed to providing a quality service which evaluates each applicant individually and provides assessment, training and follow-up to each individual client's specific needs. We provide our service to people with a range of disabilities and will consider an application from any person with a disability.
Beneficiary Advisory ServiceBAS gives practical, expert advice and assistance on issues experienced by people on benefits and low incomes. We concentrate on welfare issues but can also help with ACC and Employment matters. We also are able to assist clients in / from domestic violence situations. If you have a problem that no one else has been able to help with, we may be able assist.
Blue LightBlue Light is a registered charity that works in partnership with the police to deliver an extensive range of youth programmes and activities. It does this by providing young people with positive lifestyle alternatives and strategies to avoid becoming an offender or victim of crime. This encourages better relations between the police, young people, their parents, and the community.
The Cacophony ProjectEvery day, all around New Zealand, the dawn chorus tells us that our birdlife is one of our greatest treasures. Yet, New Zealand’s native birds are under threat from introduced predators such as possums, rats and stoats. The Cacophony Project is developing a set of technologies that will be deployed throughout New Zealand (incl lure invasive predators with sound and light; observe predators using a thermal camera; identify predators automatically using machine learning algorithms; eliminate positively identified predators; monitor the bird song over time to measure the impact.
Care Solutions
Care Solutions is a non-government agency currently providing quality care for children, young people and adults.
Care Solutions provides supervised contacts in the Nelson, Blenheim, Christchurch and Wellington area through Ministry of Justice and/or Oranga Tamariki, the Permanent Caregiver Support Service and for private clients.
The Christchurch Collective for the HomelessThe Christchurch Collective for the Homeless Charitable Trust (CCHCT) is a de-colonised, strengths-focused mentoring, support and advocacy service that offers manaakitanga to people experiencing homelessness.
- We provide one to one support that seeks to empower people experiencing homelessness and their whānau. - We help people get into homes and support them to integrate into the community. - We provide free breakfast every Tuesday morning at Holy Trinity Church, 168 Stanmore Road. - We facilitate hui to ensure the voices of people who are homeless are heard by community agencies and government departments, to support equitable access to support services and improved outcomes for homeless whānau.
Depression Support NetworkThe Depression Support Network
- Provides community support for the youth and adults of Canterbury whose lives are affected by depression - Provides safe places where people can find empathy, acceptance and understanding - Provides for the generational, cultural diversity that exists in our community - Works with other organisations to facilitate better support for people - Facilitates awareness and knowledge of depression through education, presence and dialogue
Family Drug Support Aotearoa New Zealand
Family Drug Support Aotearoa New Zealand, is a not for profit organisation that supports family, whanau and friends of people with alcohol and other drug issues. We provide an 0800 number staffed by volunteers and a very informative website. Our aim is to help families who care about others to develop the coping and resilience strategies which will enable them to stay strong and be there for the person they are caring about.
Inclusive Aotearoa Collective TāhonoInclusive Aotearoa Collective Tāhono is an organisation working to create an inclusive society in Aotearoa New Zealand, founded on the partnership of Te Tiriti o Waitangi. Their work spans across multiple projects and services, with a focus on building and strengthening inclusive practices. They work alongside community members, rangatahi, media, systems change members, organisations, and businesses to make this future possible.
Interpreting New Zealand - ChristchurchInterpreting New Zealand exists to break down the language barrier between English-speaking professionals and their clients. We provide interpreters for 70 languages, including NZ Sign Language. Our service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We offer face-to-face, telephone or video interpreting, depending on your need and location.
Korean Society of ChristchurchTo promote Korean culture in New Zealand, to be a contact for Korean residents, and to assist with any inquiries regarding New Zealand or Christchurch.
Kidz Need DadzChildren need two loving and supportive parents whether the family all lives under the same roof or not. Kidz Need Dadz' mission is to help New Zealand men be the best fathers they can be. Through education and support we help dads to play an active part in their children's lives. As well as supporting fathers, we educate the broader community about the need for dads to be involved with their children.
We can help with parenting, relationship separation, assistance with legal advice and mentoring, information on health and wellbeing services for men, and events for dads to meet up.
Life in Vacant SpacesLife in Vacant Spaces connects owners of vacant land and buildings with people who have big ideas to fill those spaces. They are passionate about helping to create a vibrant and dynamic Ōtautahi Christchurch where anything can happen, and anyone can give something a go! LiVS is a charitable trust that brokers spaces for community groups, creative projects, social enterprises and start-ups.
The Nest CollectiveThe Nest Collective gives baby essentials to families in need. They are a collective of volunteers across Aotearoa who work alongside social workers to ensure families are supported in their parenting journey.
The packs include the essentials for the first year of life (and beyond) such as clothing, bedding, books, toys, toiletries, safety items and more. New, pre-loved, handcrafted and repurposed items are included. The packs are co-designed with experts to ensure they make a significant difference and include the critical necessities to reduce material hardship. The Nest Collective relies on donations and crafting to fill each pack. Find a drop off location here.
Network Waitangi ŌtautahiAims to provide a network for groups and individuals who are working for a society based on Te Tiriti o Waitangi (The Treaty of Waitangi).
Niu Economic & Enterprise Development Trust (NEED Trust)Provides programmes & facilities to cater for the welfare of Pacific peoples and others where appropriate, in New Zealand.
Ōtautahi Māori Women's Welfare League
Te Rōpū Wāhine Māori Toko I Te Ora, MWWL was established in 1951 for the benefit of Māori, women and their whānau. The Ōtautahi branch was one of the first branches established in Te Waipounamu. "Tatau Tatau" is the motto of the League which stands for working together as an organisation, to enable and empower Māori women and their whānau to follow and achieve their aspirations.
People First New Zealand Inc. Ngā Tāngata TuatahiPeople First New Zealand Inc. Nga Tangata Tuatahi is here to empower and support people with learning disability to be strong and valued individuals in New Zealand.
QtopiaQtopia is an advocacy, social change, and social support service for the whole LGBTQIA+ rainbow community, based in Ōtautahi Christchurch, and working throughout Te Waipounamu the South Island.
StarJamAll over New Zealand, the not-for-profit organisation StarJam inspires young people with disabilities (our Jammers) to express themselves through music, dance, singing and performance. Their workshops, gigs and discos are fun and exciting spaces for Jammers to grow in confidence, discover musical and performance talents and make lifelong friends.
TechMateTechMate (initially known as Addington.net) is a community organisation based in Christchurch that grows digital inclusion in our community with the help of dedicated volunteers and board members. Over the past twenty years, TechMate has provided affordable access to information and communication technologies for many people. They are funded through the generosity of several local community organisations and sponsors.
Volunteering CanterburyInformation and referral service for those interested in voluntary work and support for not-for-profit organisations, including training, advocacy and consultancy on all matters relating to volunteering.